Smith and Hannon

Joyce Smith is the owner/operator of Smith & Hannon bookstore on Vine Street in OTR. Smith, a great grandmother, has been in Cincinnati for 26 years. Also a retired school teacher, Joyce had worked at the Freedom Center on the banks for 3 years before following her dream of opening a bookstore in downtown Cincinnati.

Smith & Hannon has been in OTR for 1 1/2 years. The bookstore is proudly black owned and features books & products catered to the community that lives in the surrounding neighborhood, as well as many others. Having the ability to provide access to books, especially for the youth in the community, was Joyce Smith’s main goal with the bookstore.

She loves meeting new people and making new connections in the community. Her hope is that her daughter might one day run the store,  but for now she enjoys the day to day activity of the business.

If you have a chance to be in OTR make a point to stop in to Smith & Hannon and say hi to Joyce! Support black owned & small businesses!

Joyce Smith, owner & operator at Smith & Hannon bookstore in OTR.

Joyce Smith, owner & operator at Smith & Hannon bookstore in OTR.
